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Signs your All-On-4® teeth need replacing

Posted on: June 26, 2024

2 minute read

All-On-4® dental implants are considered a permanent solution for replacing a full arch of teeth, but that doesn’t mean all of their components last forever. While dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care, the teeth attached to them are subject to wear and tear over time, just like real teeth, and need replacing after a number of years to maintain your smile.

If you choose All-On-4® implants at Perth Dental Implant Centre, our experienced implant provider Dr David Norcross will explain how to care for your new teeth to help them last as long as possible. Book a consultation or call our team today on 1300 108 133.

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When does a bridge need replacing?


Dental implants in your jaw can last for 25 years or more with good care, but an All-On-4® bridge attached to these implants may last 2–15 years on average. This depends on what your replacement teeth are made of and how well you care for them.

Common reasons to repair or replace a bridge are:

  • Damage: Your dentist may be able to repair some minor damage, depending on the bridge material. Damage to a bridge made of acrylic can usually be fixed easier than a ceramic bridge. More severe damage due to accidental injury or pressure from a strong bite or teeth grinding will need a replacement. If you have a heavy bite or grind your teeth habitually, you dentist may recommend a different bridge material or your replacement bridge.
  • Staining or discolouration: Acrylic teeth are vulnerable to staining from food and drinks with strong pigments, smoking and other sources. Other bridge materials like zirconia and porcelain are more resistant to stains.
  • Pain or sensitivity: All-On-4® teeth shouldn’t cause pain at all. If your teeth feel painful, this could mean your bite has changed and your bridge needs to be adjusted or replaced, or there may be another cause that needs to be checked by your dentist.
  • Bridge feels loose: If your All-On-4® teeth feel loose, this could mean there’s been a change in your bite or that parts such as implant screws or abutments need to be tightened or replaced.

Bridge repair and replacement


If you think you might have a problem with your All-On-4® bridge, you should make an appointment with your dentist. They will examine your bridge, your implants and your mouth to determine what the problem is. They can then advise whether a replacement or a repair to the bridge is needed, along with details of prices to expect.

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If your acrylic bridge is damaged, it may be possible to repair it, depending on the extent of the damage. A dental technician may be able to repair minor damage on the same day, while more serious damage like a cracked tooth may take longer. Bridge repairs generally cost between $350– $600, and some repairs may be covered by a two-year warranty.

If you need to replace an All-On-4® bridge, options include:

  • Remodelling an existing titanium-acrylic bridge – $5,500
  • Replacement titanium-acrylic bridge – $8,000
  • Monolithic zirconia bridge – $9,000
  • Porcelain-layered zirconia bridge – $10,000

Looking after your All-On-4® bridge

All-On-4® teeth don’t need special care like dentures, but it’s still important to keep them protected, clean and free from plaque to prevent gum disease and other oral health problems, and to extend their lifespan as much as possible.

Visiting the dentist every 6–12 months for a check-up and clean and having a dental x-ray every 1–2 years helps your dentist to monitor the condition of your bridge, your implants and your mouth, so they can address any issues as soon as possible.

If you’re interested in All-On-4® implants or you have any questions, get in touch with your local Perth Dental Implant Centre in East Victoria Park or Kelmscott or contact Dr Norcross today.

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The total cost of All-On-4® dental implants includes the cost of the implants, first and subsequent sets of replacement teeth, implant surgery, diagnostics and other services, such as dental sedation, that may be required. There are also ongoing maintenance costs to consider, such as professional cleaning and bridge repairs when needed. How often your All-On-4® bridge will need to be replaced depends on the type of bridge material and your individual oral hygiene, biting forces and lifestyle factors.

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