Getting used to All-On-4® dental implants
Posted on: March 3, 2024
2 minute read
All-On-4® dental implants look and function more like natural teeth than dentures, but there are still some differences. If you’re having implants for the first time, it can take a little while to adjust to your new teeth, but you should soon be able to eat and speak normally and smile openly.
Here’s what to expect after getting your implants, and in the long term. If you have more questions about All-On-4® implants or you need to talk to a dentist in Perth, call us on 1300 103 133.
Healing after surgery
The average healing time after All-On-4® surgery is:
- 6 months for implants in the upper jaw
- 3–4 months for implants in the lower jaw
You may experience some temporary pain, swelling, bruising or pressure in your mouth in the days after surgery. We’ll provide pain relief and advice for managing these symptoms during your recovery. If you have prolonged pain or other unexpected symptoms, contact our clinic.
Fitting your new teeth
Our dentist will fit your replacement teeth within 5 days of surgery. An All-On-4® bridge is more streamlined than dentures, but it may feel bulky at first. If you were missing your back teeth for some time, your tongue may feel crowded before you adjust.
Changes to speech
All-On-4® teeth don’t always affect speech, but if you find that your speech sounds different, or you’re lisping after having your bridge fitted, our dentist will make the necessary adjustments.
Making adjustments may not be possible immediately after new teeth are placed, because of swelling in the mouth. We’ll arrange follow-up appointments after 4 weeks, 3 months and 6 months that will give our dentist the chance to review your speech and any other concerns.
Changes to eating
Unlike with conventional dentures, you won’t have to give up certain foods with All-On-4® implants, because of their stronger biting forces. However, we recommend consuming a soft diet during the healing period after your new teeth are placed to avoid any excessive forces to the teeth. For soft diet and recipe ideas, see our blog What to eat after dental implant surgery.
A fixed implant bridge has 90% of the chewing efficiency of natural teeth, compared with 60% for implant-retained dentures and 10–30% for conventional dentures. [1]
Bite changes
Our dentist will check that your top and bottom teeth come together normally after they’re first placed and during your follow-up appointments, making any adjustments needed and helping to avoid problems such as excessive wear, damage or jaw strain.
Prosthetic teeth don’t provide the same feedback as natural teeth when biting down, so if you have a strong or heavy bite, there may be a risk of biting too hard and damaging your bridge. A titanium-reinforced acrylic bridge can normally be repaired if damaged, but a damaged zirconia bridge will need to be replaced.
If you have a history of teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism), we can provide a custom night guard to help protect your bridge while you’re asleep.
An All-On-4® bridge can be affected by wear and tear, damage and staining like natural teeth, so it’s important to follow your dentist’s care instructions to look after your new smile.
Talk to a dentist in Perth
Want to know more about All-On-4® implants and what to expect? Contact Dr David Norcross at Perth Dental Implant Centre or call our clinic on 1300 108 133.
[1] Van der Bilt, A. (2002) Human oral function: A review. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences, 1, 7-18.