
East Vic Park

Suite 2, Victoria House, 734 Albany
Highway East Victoria Park, WA 6101

1300 108 133 [email protected]


2915 Albany Highway, Kelmscott, WA 6111

1300 108 133 [email protected]


Frequently asked questions

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Yes. Your implant bridge will be designed by an experienced technician to perfectly fit your mouth and closely resemble natural teeth. Even up close, no one should be able to tell the difference.

Most people who have a healthy and suitable-sized jaw and good oral health are candidates for All-On-4® treatment, but our dentist will need to examine your mouth to determine whether you’re suitable. Some medical conditions and lifestyle factors such as smoking can impact the All-On-4® success rate. Read our blog Am I Suitable for All-on-4 Dental Implants? to learn more.

All surgical procedures carry risk. Complications of All-On-4® implant surgery are rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced dentist, but they can include implant failure and infection around the implant site. We’ll make sure you understand the possible risks before you consent to treatment.

All-On-4® implants have stronger biting forces than dentures, so you can continue to eat your favourite foods after getting implants. We recommend a soft diet while your mouth is healing from surgery.

For diet recommendations and meal ideas post-surgery, visit our blog What to Eat After Dental Implant Surgery.

Dentists need to complete additional training before they can place dental implants using the All-On-4® treatment protocol. It’s recommended to choose a more experienced and accredited dentist for the best results and to minimise risks. Read more on How to choose the right dentist for dental implants.

All-On-4® implants are made from strong and biocompatible titanium, and can last a lifetime with good care. The replacement teeth attached to the implants may need to be replaced after a number of years due to normal wear, damage or staining. How long a bridge lasts depends on the material it’s made from and how well it’s cared for, but you can generally expect a titanium-reinforced acrylic bridge to last between 2–5 years or a titanium-reinforced zirconia bridge to last 10–15 years or more. Read our blog Are All-on-4 Dental Implants Permanent? to learn more.

The cost of All-On-4® dental implants at Perth Dental Implant Centre starts from $21,000 per arch or $40,000 for both arches, which includes the cost of the implants and abutments, bridges and surgery, as well as radiographs and follow-up appointments. Other costs may include the initial consultation ($73), a 3D bone scan ($226), and anaesthetist and hospital fees. Read our blog All-On-4® Dental Implants Perth: Costs, Process & Reviews to learn more.


It’s not recommended to have complex procedures such as All-on-4® dental implants overseas, as the risks involved are higher and the quality of materials may be lower. At Perth Dental Implant Centre, we offer flexible, interest-free payment plans that could help to make the cost of implants easier to manage.

Dr Norcross regularly receives patient referrals to ‘correct’ full arch implant treatment that has been poorly performed overseas. Read more about it here, or in our blog Are Overseas Dental Implants Safe?

7 Reasons to avoid overseas dental work:

  • Lower standard of care
  • Lower implant system quality
  • Cultural barriers leading to miscommunication
  • Rushed treatment
  • Lower hygiene standards
  • Higher risk of complications
  • No legal recourse if things go wrong

Yes. At Perth Dental Implant Centre, All-On-4® dental implants and titanium bars are covered by a 5-year warranty, while acrylic bridges are covered by a 2-year warranty. This is subject to keeping up with your scheduled review appointments and routine oral health check-ups.

Alternatives to All-On-4® dental implants for full arch replacement include other full mouth implant systems, implant-retained dentures and conventional dentures. We’ll discuss your options so you can make a fully informed decision about teeth replacement. Read our blog What is All-on-4 and What are the Alternatives? to learn more.

Clients who have gone without teeth for some time will experience a degree of bone loss.

Zygomatic and pterygoid implants may be recommended to clients with insufficient upper jawbone quality or quantity to increase the likelihood of treatment success.

Before zygomatic and pterygoid implants were widely adopted, a bone grafting procedure would have been needed to build up the jaw in preparation for full mouth dental implants.

Zygomatic implants have a documented success rate of 97.86% over a 36-month follow-up period.

(1). Goiato, M.C., Pellizzer, E.P., Moreno, A., Gennari-Filho, H., dos Santos, D.M., Santiago, J.F. and dos Santos, E.G. (2014). Implants in the zygomatic bone for maxillary prosthetic rehabilitation: a systematic review. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 43(6), pp.748–757. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijom.2014.01.004.

Pterygoid implants have shown a 94% success rate across a number of studies.

(2) Araujo, R., Ferreira, J., Camila Lopes Cardoso, Froy, A., Rosenvaldo Moreira Júnior and Marcos Martins Curi (2019). Clinical outcomes of pterygoid implants: Systematic review and meta-analysis. 47(4), pp.651–660. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcms.2019.01.030.

Surgery time depends on individual case complexity. In general, All-On-4 surgery may take about four hours on average, or an hour per dental implant. Placing a longer dental implant may take only slightly longer, again depending on the level of complexity.

Pterygoid and zygomatic dental implants make implant treatment possible for patients who have gone without teeth for some time and as a result, have suffered severe upper jawbone loss.

Some benefits of implant treatment with pterygoid or zygomatic implants include:

  • Avoid bone grafting
  • Immediate teeth
  • Increased treatment success
  • Aesthetically-pleasing

Pterygoid implants are longer than conventional implants and used in cases where there isn’t enough bone density or height in the upper jaw (maxilla) to hold new teeth in place. Pterygoid implants are inserted in the back of the mouth behind the jawline and extend into the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. This region of bone is very strong and stable.

Zygomatic dental implants are longer than conventional implants and used in cases where there is not enough upper jawbone quality or quantity to support new teeth. These implants are angled and inserted into the upper cheek or zygomatic bone, providing a very strong and reliable foundation to support teeth. They are often used in combination with conventional dental implants in All-On-4 surgery.

Dr Norcross may consult with a specialist oral maxillofacial surgeon for the placement of zygomatic implants.

Yes. All-On-4® treatment at Perth Dental Implant Centre is supported by a 5-year warranty covering Nobel Biocare dental implants; a 5-year warranty covering the titanium bar and a 2-year warranty covering acrylic teeth. This warranty is subject to attending scheduled implant reviews, six-monthly check-ups and hygiene maintenance appointments.

The Centre of Excellence designation demonstrates that your dental surgeon has the necessary surgical experience and training to offer the All-on-4® treatment protocol. Patients can also rest assured that their Nobel Biocare dental implants are authentic and supported by a warranty.

One of only a handful of Centres of Excellence across Australia, Perth Dental Implant Centre is proud to be recognised as an All-On-4® Centre of Excellence.

Eligible Australians and their families may be granted early release of superannuation to pay for essential dental care including dental implants. Limited access applies and eligibility criteria must be met. Learn more about it in our blog Accessing Super for All-On-4 Dental Implants.

When it comes to performing dental implant surgery, there are no regulations on the amount of training a general dentist must complete before they can place dental implants. A general dentist may complete a 1 or 2-day course and begin placing implants with little experience. However, studies have shown that experience significantly affects the success of dental implant treatment.

PDIC founder, Dr David Norcross has attended various advanced implant dentistry programs and residencies, including a 1-year Master Clinician in Implant Dentistry program at the Global Institute for Dental Education (gIDE) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), clinical residencies at both the Malo Clinic in Melbourne and in Portugal (home of All-On-4) learning about advanced techniques in full arch rehabilitation using the All-On-4® technique. He is a member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and Australian Society of Implant Dentistry and has restricted his clinical practice to surgical and implant dentistry.

When you choose Dr Norcross for implant surgery, your smile is in experienced hands.

A milled titanium frame is stronger than cast metal and has a more passive fit which means it puts less pressure on the surrounding bone. This helps the jaw bone heal better around All-on-4® dental implants.

Cast metal bars (cobalt chronium) tend to be the cheapest and are prone to fracture and can be harder to repair than acrylic bridges which are reinforced with titanium.

Each dentist has their own approach to All-On-4 teeth, it can often come down to their access to the right dental lab technology. Perth Dental Implant Centre works with Dental Engineering, a local dental laboratory in Perth which has titanium-milling technology and can meet the 1-2 day turnaround time required for All-On-4® surgery.

Most patients with healthy and sufficient jaw bone may be suitable for All-On-4® dental implants. However, some medical conditions and lifestyle factors may influence treatment success, or require additional procedures to support dental implants.

Watch as implant surgeon Dr David Norcross explains patient eligibility and success factors:

Book a consult with Dr Norcross if any of these conditions affect you:

  • Bone loss
  • Advanced gum disease
  • Heavy smoking
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Pregnancy
  • Certain medications and medical conditions (uncontrolled diabetes, allergies, blood disorders, heart problems, blood-thinning medications)

During your consult, Dr Norcross will take a 3D CBCT bone scan and discuss your medical history and any medications you may be taking to determine whether you are suitable for treatment. A treatment consultation costs $73 and a 3D CBCT scan costs $226. We can also accept recent 3D scans from other dentists to save you the cost of a new scan.

Book an examination with Dr Norcross to discover whether you’re a candidate for All-On-4®, call 1300 108 133 to book at our Kelmscott or East Vic Park clinic. or send us an enquiry.

How long All-on-4 teeth (fixed implant bridge) last, depends on your oral hygiene, biting forces and your dentist’s approach to All-On-4® teeth after surgery.

Some dentists use a two-stage approach, first placing a temporary acrylic bridge and then a permanent zirconia bridge within 3 to 6 months after surgery.

At Perth Dental Implant Centre, our single-stage approach offers longevity to the first set of teeth. Our All-On-4 acrylic bridges are reinforced with a milled titanium frame for extra strength and durability, saving you the added cost of having to replace a bridge within the first 6 months. Titanium-reinforced acrylic teeth may last between 2 to 5 years, or longer with proper care.

When the time comes to replace your first set of teeth, you may choose another titanium-reinforced acrylic bridge or upgrade to a titanium-reinforced zirconia bridge or porcelain-layered zirconia bridge. Zirconia is stronger and more aesthetic than acrylic, and teeth may last between 10 – 15 years on average before needing to be replaced.

While All-On-4 teeth are designed to last, repairs may be needed from time to time.



Peri-implant disease (or peri-implantitis) is a condition where bacteria build up around the gum tissue surrounding dental implants. Symptoms include:

  • Pain and inflammation
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Wobbly dental implants

If caught early enough, peri-implantitis can often be treated by a dentist. However, in the late stages of the disease, it may cause tissue damage, bone loss and dental implant failure.

Most healthy adults can receive dental implant treatment. However there are some exceptions that affect your eligibility for surgery or long-term treatment success.

  • Poor oral health – For people with untreated gum disease (periodontitis), dental implant treatment is often delayed until the disease can be controlled and gums are brought back to health.
  • Bone loss – A healthy jaw bone is needed to hold dental implants in place. For people who have suffered jaw bone loss or who lack density in their jaw bone, a bone grafting procedure may be recommended to build up enough bone to hold implants in place. If you are replacing a full arch of teeth with All-On-4® implants, Dr Norcross may discuss pterygoid or zygomatic dental implants with you.
  • Smoking – Smoking impairs healing and may prevent the implant from fusing with the jaw bone after surgery. This leads to dental implant failure. Smoking can also affect integration between the implant and jaw bone over time.
  • Pregnancy – General anaesthesia (if needed) and other medications may exclude pregnant women from having dental implant surgery as it may risk the unborn baby’s health in some cases.
  • Medical conditions – Uncontrolled diabetes increases the risk of complications with dental implant surgery. This includes a higher risk of infection and delayed healing post-surgery.
  • Excessive alcohol use – Alcohol can inhibit dental implants from properly fusing with the jaw bone, causing implant failure.
  • Drug abuse – If the patient has dietary problems, fails to follow treatment instructions or fails to maintain proper oral hygiene they may not be suitable for dental implants.
  • Medical history & medications – Certain allergies, blood disorders, heart problems and blood-thinning medications taken on a regular basis can influence treatment success and need to be discussed with the dentist to determine your eligibility for dental implants.

The cost of All-on-4® dental implants in Perth starts from $21,000* per arch or $40,000* for both arches. This includes:

  • four Nobel BioCare dental implants placed using the All-On-4® protocol
  • four titanium abutments
  • A fixed titanium-reinforced high impact acrylic bridge
  • All clinical radiographs (excludes 3D bone scan)
  • 6 months of follow-up appointments
  • 5-year warranty on dental implants and titanium frame; 2-year warranty on acrylic teeth

*Anaesthetist and hospital fees vary and are not included in this price.

To determine your suitability for treatment, a 3D bone scan is done during your consultation to confirm there is enough jaw bone to support dental implants. A treatment consultation costs $73, a 3D bone scan costs $226.

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Nobel Biocare owns the All-On-4® dental implant system.

All-on-4® is a technique developed by Professor Paulo Malo for Nobel BioCare, a swiss dental implant company. The term All-On-4® refers to a full set of teeth attached to four dental implants, and both the protocol and the dental implants themselves are registered trademarks of Nobel BioCare.

Read more on the dental implant systems used at Perth Dental Implant Centre.

All-On-4® dental implants have shown a very high success rate in the relatively short history they’ve been used to replace missing teeth.

The first patient to receive All-On-4® dental implants was in 1998. Since this time, many clinical studies have indicated very high success rates for both dental implants and the teeth attached to them.

A 2011 study conducted over a 5-year period indicated a 94.8% to 98.1% success rates respectively for dental implants and over a 10-year period 93.8% and 94.8% success rates. The teeth attached to implants showed a success rate of 99.2% over 10 years.

Yes. Our goal is to provide quality health care to all our patients in a timely manner. No-shows, late arrivals, and cancellations inconvenience our providers and other patients. Please be aware of our policy regarding missed appointments.

Any cancellation or rescheduling of an appointment made with less than 48 hours’ notice will result in a cancellation fee of $60. If you are more than 15 minutes late to your appointment, we may not be able to accommodate you. In this case, the same cancellation fee will apply. We will do our very best to reschedule your service for another time that is convenient to you.

By booking an appointment with us you agree to our cancellation policy.

Yes. Whether you are having one dental implant and crown placed, a fixed implant bridge or an implant-retained denture, you are able to choose your desired tooth material, shade and shape.

Yes. While your dental implants heal, you’ll wear a temporary denture.

In some cases, we may recommend patients avoid wearing a denture for the first  1 to 2 weeks after surgery to assist with healing and avoid opening up stitches. This is usually the only time a patient is without teeth.

Unlike a fixed full mouth implant bridge where dental implants are placed and a bridge is fitted within the same week, an implant-retained denture is a removable prosthetic that cannot be loaded onto dental implants while the mouth is healing.

There are generally 8 stages in the treatment process for replacing missing or damaged teeth with implant-retained dentures, however much of this time involves your dental implants healing (over a period of 3 to 6 months) after surgery. Once healed, dental implants are exposed in a minor procedure to place healing caps. This requires another 3 weeks for your gums to heal around the area where the dentures attach via denture abutments. New impressions are then taken to custom-make your denture.

Once your denture comes back from the lab, we’ll try it in, make any final adjustments and then fit it. Depending on your desire to make adjustments, it can take another 1 to 3 visits in this final stage.

False teeth are prosthetic teeth that can replace missing teeth or teeth that are too badly damaged for repair. Dentures are usually removable, but permanent false teeth options include dental implants or a dental bridge. Your dentist will explain all of your options so you can decide what’s best for you.

Modern false teeth are designed based on digital scans of your mouth. A dental prosthetist makes your full or partial dentures out of acrylic or other materials, then your dentist will call you back for a trial fitting. They can make minor adjustments to their shape and colour, based on your feedback, then your false teeth will be ready to use.

Denture relines may be ‘soft’ or ‘hard.’ A soft reline involves placing a shock-absorbing barrier between the dentures and the gum and may last for 1 to 2 years. A hard reline involves reshaping the denture lining to provide a closer and more comfortable fit and is generally recommended every 2 years.

A dental bridge is a non-surgical treatment option that relies on neighbouring healthy teeth to stay in place. A fixed implant bridge requires surgery and is supported by dental implants that are placed into the jaw bone.

Dental bridges last between 5 to 15 years on average, depending on how well they are cared for and the amount of wear and tear.

A dental bridge is one or more prosthetic teeth that fills the gap left by a missing tooth or multiple teeth. A bridge can be attached to existing natural teeth that have been reinforced with crowns for extra support, or to replace a front missing tooth a bridge can be attached by clasps bonded to the back of neighbouring teeth.

Bridges can be a suitable option when dentures are loose-fitting, uncomfortable or lacking aesthetically, or when dental implants are not a viable option.

A full denture will typically require a hard reline by your dentist every two years on average, to keep it fitting well and functional. If you experience sore spots or tender gums, a soft reline may help to provide some comfort and relief. A soft reline creates a barrier between the denture and the soft tissues, absorbing shock between the two.

Your dentist will take scans of your mouth to create impressions (moulds) for your full or partial denture to be designed. A dental technician designs your denture then sends it back to your dentist for a trial fit appointment. During your fit appointment, you try in the denture to assess its fit and appearance. Adjustments to the shape and colour are then made by a dental technician or prosthetist before your final denture is ready to wear.

A denture is a removable prosthesis of acrylic teeth that rests on the gums and is held in place by suction. Dentures can be a suitable treatment alternative when dental implants are not a viable solution. Dentures can replace all teeth (full dentures) or just some teeth (partial dentures).

Yes. We offer flexible payment plans, with Zip to help you access dental care sooner and we’re also a SuperCare – early access to superannuation provider.

Learn more about Accessing Your Super for All-On-4 Dental Implants.

All-On-4® dental implants were first developed by Nobel BioCare as a more convenient and cost-effective alternative for replacing a whole arch of teeth using four dental implants, instead of using an implant per tooth.

As pioneers of the technique, Nobel BioCare has a trademark on both the All-On-4® protocol and the Swiss-made implants used for it.

The technique involves placing two dental implants at the front of the mouth and two implants at the back in a way that avoids or reduces the need for a bone graft. The All-On-4 technique using genuine Nobel Biocare implants has unprecedented success rates of up to 98%.

Read our blog on What is All-On-4® and what are the alternatives?

Many of our patients have dental implants placed following a local anaesthetic. However, for complex procedures or anxious patients, they may opt for sleep dentistry (also known as IV sedation or twilight dentistry). We can perform any tooth extraction or implant placement at the clinic using either local sedation or IV sedation, or at Southbank Day Surgery in South Perth under general anaesthetic.

For patients with private health insurance hospital cover, the excess cost for the anaesthetist and hospital may be minimal. For patients without private health insurance, we have secured competitive rates for IV sedation with our anaesthetist, some of which may be covered by Medicare.

Sleep dentistry (IV sedation)involves using a mild sedative via injection to help relax a patient during their procedure. Sedation may be requested to help relieve anxiety and dental phobia or to help with any medical conditions that may prevent someone from receiving dental treatment. During treatment, you remain in a semi-conscious, sleep-like state where you are closely monitored throughout.

The cost of sedation dentistry services in Perth can vary depending on the amount of dental care required, the length of sedation, the anaesthetist fee and also the type of sedation used.

Depending on your private health insurance hospital cover and the anaesthetist scheduled for your treatment, you could end up paying minimal excess for hospital and anaesthetist costs.

For patients without hospital cover, IV sedation at the practice is also an affordable option. For more information on sleep dentistry pricing at our Perth clinic, contact us today.

For patients who require extensive dental care or multiple treatments in a single appointment, sedation dentistry may be a suitable option.

Sleep dentistry may not be suitable if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, such as asthma or other respiratory issues. Upon visiting our practice, we will comprehensively assess your medical history before recommending the most suitable sedation option for your treatment.

The cost of having your wisdom teeth removed depends on whether you opt to have them removed in-chair at our Kelmscott or East Victoria Park locations or, whether you remove them under general anaesthetic at Southbank Day Surgery. To find the costs of your wisdom teeth removal, contact us for an initial consultation.

Many wisdom teeth will require some form of surgery to remove. At our practices in East Victoria Park and Kelmscott, we offer several options. If the procedure is straightforward and the patient comfortable, we may be able to extract wisdom teeth by numbing the patient with local anaesthetic in the dental chair. For those that are anxious, we can arrange IV sedation (also called sleep dentistry or twilight sedation) to be administered by a GP anaesthetist and the procedure can be performed in the dental chair.

We also have regular bookings at Southbank Day Surgery in South Perth where we can perform wisdom tooth removal under general anaesthetic with an anaesthetist. This is often the preferred choice for the patients with private health insurance and hospital cover.

The recovery period for wisdom teeth extraction varies for every patient. Often it can take several days and for more severe cases there can be swelling and discomfort for a week or more. We will discuss the likely recovery period for you prior to your wisdom teeth extraction and provide comprehensive guidance on how to best care for your wounds post-surgery.

Each person’s wisdom teeth can be quite different and can appear in many different positions. It may be that the wisdom teeth are buried so far under the gums that they will never cause an issue. Or it may be that you do have enough room for them, and you are able to keep them clean and do not need to have them removed.

The best way to find out whether wisdom teeth extraction is right for you would be to have a dental examination and full mouth x-ray at one of our clinics in Perth, to check their position. In most cases wisdom teeth may eventually cause issues such as tooth and nerve decay which would then result in a root canal. At Perth Dental Implant Centre, we take a more proactive approach and advise having wisdom teeth removed before they cause an issue, to avoid further treatments, discomfort and pain however, it’s ultimately up to the patient.

As a rough guide, most people need their wisdom teeth removed anywhere between 15 and 25 years of age depending on the development of the teeth. But some people may find that they do not have issues with their wisdom teeth until later in life. We like to remove them before they start causing problems so that we can plan a suitable time for the patient that does not interfere with life events such as exams or work commitments.

Private health insurance that provides dental cover distinguishes between general and major dental services. General dental includes routine treatments such as fillings and extractions, while major dental covers more complex procedures such as crowns and bridges, root canals and dental implants. We can check your health rebate entitlements via our HICAPS machine during your appointment.

At Perth Dental Implant Centre, we accept all major health funds and are a preferred provider for Bupa and HBF.

Yes. A registered general dentist is qualified to provide routine dental services and to diagnose, treat and prevent common oral health problems. A general dentist may also complete further training in implant dentistry and gain more experience with every patient case.

Dr David Norcross of Perth Dental Implant Centre has dedicated the majority of his career to placing dental implants across his two general dental practices. Extensive training, skills and passion for implant dentistry, coupled with positive patient outcomes has earned Dr Norcross a favourable reputation as one of Perth’s best dentists placing implants.

The cost for a smile makeover depends on the types of dental treatments in your treatment plan, the number of treatments and the cost of materials used. If your smile makeover includes dental implants, the cost may start from $3,950 up to $40,000. Book an appointment with one of our experienced dentists at Perth Dental Implant Centre for a smile makeover consultation and quote estimation.

Most people will be able to benefit from some cosmetic dental treatment it isn’t always the right choice for every patient. Before any cosmetic treatment goes ahead, your dentist will need to ensure you have good oral hygiene with no signs of tooth decay or gum disease. If you have sensitive teeth or a tooth grinding habit, certain treatments may need to be modified in order to meet your oral health needs.

We recommend checking with your health fund directly and confirming what dental benefits your policy includes. A number of insurance providers may include partial rebates for major dental items that have functional as well as aesthetic benefits such as crowns, veneers, implants and orthodontics. We’re happy to provide you with a total treatment plan quote and check your rebate entitlements via our HICAPS machine during your appointment.

When a tooth is removed, the surrounding bone can shrink. This shrinkage differs depending on the part of the mouth and is different in each person depending on the anatomy of the tooth and the bone. The longer the jawbone is missing a tooth, the more susceptible it is to shrinking. To guarantee a good result with dental implants, we encourage patients to replace missing teeth soon after losing them, so that there is enough bone to place the dental implant. In some cases, we may need to create more bone using different procedures. These procedures can vary in cost and complexity. Following a full assessment and 3D bone scan, we can advise the most suitable option for your needs.

To accurately check if you have enough bone available to place dental implants, we take a detailed 3D x-ray known as a CBCT scan. This is similar to a CT scan but with a much lower dose of radiation. This shows us exactly how much bone you have and where vital structures such as nerves, sinuses and other tooth roots are. We can then ensure that when placing the implant there is no risk of the implant damaging these structures. We believe that a dental implant should not be placed without first carefully assessing a 3D bone scan. The cost of a 3D bone scan is $217.

At the Perth Dental Implant Centre, we have in-house 3D scanners at both of our clinics and can tell you on the day of your consultation, saving you time and money.

A bone graft is a surgical procedure that builds up lost jaw bone. It can be performed before dental implant surgery or during the same surgery.

Four types of bone graft materials exist including a patient’s own bone, donated human bone, animal bone (usually bovine) and synthetic bone. At Perth Dental Implant Centre, we use a bone material option most suited to your needs.

Gum recession is the process of the gum line pulling back to expose more of the tooth underneath. Gum recession is irreversible and requires a treatment plan to slow progress, and in some cases, a gum graft to restore missing gum tissue.

AlloDerm® is donated tissue used to heal and restore the gums back to health when existing gum tissue cannot be used.

Perth Dental Implant Centre offers a number of sedation options to assist you through dental treatment including local anaesthesia, oral sedation, sleep dentistry and general anaesthesia.

All medical treatments carry risks, but travelling overseas for surgical treatment can increase those risks. While the potential savings of implant treatment overseas is appealing, the risks often outweigh the benefits. Risks include:

  • Lower standard of care
  • Lower implant system quality
  • Rushed treatment
  • Lower hygiene standards
  • Higher risk of complications
  • No legal recourse if things go wrong

Dental implant treatment is a long-term treatment that requires ongoing supervision after you’ve returned back home. Before you decide whether to travel abroad, ask these questions:

  • What is the experience of the dentist providing the treatment?
  • Is the dentist registered under a professional regulatory board and what are the board’s standards?
  • How many times has the dentist carried out the procedure?
  • What dental implant system is being used?
  • Is the dental implant system TGA-approved for use in Australia, if parts are needed?
  • Has the whole mouth been assessed carefully and any preliminary treatment been completed?
  • If complications occur, how will they be fixed and what will be the costs?
  • What are the infection control policies of the clinic?

Immediate dental implants involve extracting a tooth and replacing it with an implant during the same appointment. These procedures often take 1-2 hours, but are performed on the same day. If you choose digitally guided keyhole surgery, the procedure takes less time. Once an implant has been placed, it will be covered by a crown and your jaw bone begins a healing process. This process can take from three to six months on average.

Immediate dental implants may cost more than a standard dental implant as it involves a slightly more complex procedure involving an extraction of your existing tooth. It may also be necessary to place a bone graft into the empty tooth socket surrounding the implant if there isn’t enough jaw bone to support it. However, the advantages are that the procedure is carried out in just one visit that aids faster healing time with minimal bone loss.

Our dentists in Kelmscott or East Victoria Park will make sure you understand the costs involved before you commit to immediate dental implants.

You may be a candidate for immediate dental implants if your jaw is large and strong enough to support an implant and you don’t have an oral health problem such as gum disease. An immediate implant can replace a tooth that’s been extracted due to damage, decay or for other reasons.

Yes. If you have a suitable lower denture that’s in good condition, we may be able to convert it to clip onto two dental implants. Converting your existing denture can reduce overall treatment costs.

A surgical guide allows us to place dental implants into the optimal position in the jawbone. It can be made by copying your denture in clear acrylic or by taking impressions to create a 3D printed guide. For more complex cases, such as patients with low bone quality, we may recommend a 3D guide over a manual guide for precision. Surgical guides are commonly used for a range of implant treatments, including immediate dental implants, a single tooth implant, several teeth implants and full mouth dental implants.

While dental implants are recommended by our dentists for their durable and natural-looking aesthetics, they may not be suitable for everyone. Which is why we offer our patients dental implant alternatives such as dentures or dental bridges. If you’re concerned about your smile, make an appointment to see our friendly team today at Perth Dental Implant Centre. Our leading dentist, Dr David Norcross, can advise you on the best treatment option for your needs.

General surgical risks apply like any surgical procedure. The main complication with implant dentures relates to the ability to chew harder, due to an increased biting force. Dentures can fracture or break and individual teeth can chip or wear down. Choosing a high quality denture made from high impact acrylic will reduce these risks.

No. Your denture needs to be removed regularly for cleaning and left out overnight. If dentures are left in permanently, bacteria can build up and cause a gum or implant infection. Poor oral hygiene around dental implants can cause inflammation, bone loss and if left untreated it can cause dental implants to fail. Plastic caps within the denture can also deteriorate and affect the fit of the denture if they are not cleaned properly.

Titanium dental implants have a very high success rate and can last a very long time with careful planning, precision surgery and ongoing follow-up care. The experience of the dentist placing your implants and teeth material also influences treatment longevity.

A zirconia bridge may need to be replaced after 5 to 15 years, while a titanium-reinforced acrylic bridge may last between 2 to 5 years before needing to be replaced. However, it’s possible for both acrylic and zirconia bridges to last longer than these averages. You can help your bridge and implants to last longer by following good oral hygiene.

The cost of full mouth dental implants using the All-on-4® protocol in Perth starts from $21,000* per arch or $40,000* for both arches. This includes:

  • four Nobel BioCare dental implants placed using the All-On-4® protocol
  • four titanium abutments
  • A fixed titanium-reinforced high impact acrylic bridge
  • All clinical radiographs (excludes 3D bone scan)
  • 12 months of follow-up appointments

*Anaesthetist and hospital fees vary and are not included in this price.

To determine your suitability for treatment, a 3D bone scan is done during your consultation to confirm there is enough jaw bone to support dental implants. A treatment consultation costs $70, a 3D bone scan costs $217.

All-On-4® costs vary because of several factors including the skill, training and experience of the dentist placing your implants; and person designing your new teeth; the quality of teeth and dental implants; and treatment plan inclusions.

1. Skill, training and experience of the dentist

Head dentist, Dr David Norcross has dedicated his career to restoring smiles using dental implants, and has completed a number of advanced courses in implant and restorative dentistry.

2. Skill, training and experience of the dental technician

All of our full mouth implant bridges are custom-designed by highly experienced dental technicians. Perth Dental Implant Centre uses both local and interstate labs to design full mouth bridges that are high in quality, durability and aesthetics that complement your face, age and personality.

3. The type and quality of replacement teeth

Our dental implant packages offer a number of teeth replacement options and materials to suit your aesthetic and financial needs. Replacement teeth materials have different strengths, durability, aesthetic features and longevity.

4. Type and quality of dental implants

Perth Dental Implant Centre can place any implant system you choose. However, for full arch replacement we offer pricing packages using two high quality implant systems: MIS Implants and Nobel BioCare.

5. Treatment plan inclusions

All treatment plans include clinical radiographs, follow-up appointments and a check-up of your new teeth four weeks after treatment. If you choose to upgrade your teeth after 3 to 6 months of your mouth healing post-surgery, we’ll include this item in your treatment plan.


At Perth Dental Implant Centre, we use MIS implants for single dental implants and small fixed bridges and Nobel Biocare dental implants for All-On-4® treatment. Our implant pricing packages feature two implant systems:

1. MIS Implants

MIS is a highly reputable implant company that has a global presence in over 65 countries including Australia. In 2016, MIS was acquired by the world’s largest manufacturer of professional dental products and technology, Dentsply Sirona. For many years, Dr Norcross was a lecturer and mentor for MIS Implants and the Dental Implantology Academy (DIA), the largest private dental training institution in Australasia.

2. Nobel BioCare (All-on-4®)

Nobel BioCare is a Swiss implant company which funded studies by Professor Paulo Malo who developed the first All-on-4® surgical concept. This technique refers to a full set of teeth immediately loaded onto four dental implants in a way that avoids the need for bone grafting. Dr Norcross is a key opinion leader for Nobel Biocare and an All-on-4® Centre of Excellence provider.

All-On-4® refers to a surgical protocol and dental implant system were developed by Nobel BioCare as a convenient and cost-effective alternative for replacing a whole arch of teeth with fewer implants, instead of using an implant per tooth.

The technique involves placing two implants in the front of the mouth and two implants at the back of the mouth at a 45 degree angle to avoid the sinuses and nerves, and reduce or avoid the need for a bone grafting procedure.

As pioneers of this advanced surgical technique, Nobel BioCare owns the All-On-4® protocol and the Swiss-made dental implants specifically designed for it.

Perth Dental Implant Centre only uses TGA-approved dental implant systems and offers implant pricing packages to replace one tooth, several teeth and a full arch of teeth.

Read our blog on What is All-On-4® and what are the alternatives?

Zirconia bridges are milled from solid blocks of pure zirconia, a high-quality tooth material that’s known for its strength and aesthetics. Zirconia bridges take between 2 to 4 weeks to manufacture.

In the week following dental implant surgery, the jaw bone begins to soften around the implants, starting a healing process known as osseointegration. A tooth bridge needs to be attached to implants in the first 7 days of surgery, while the bone is still rigid enough to hold it in place. This is why an acrylic bridge is placed first. Our acrylic bridges are reinforced with a titanium bar for extra strength and durability.

Once jaw bone and dental implants properly fuse together over 3 to 6 months, new impressions can be taken if you wish to upgrade to a zirconia bridge, otherwise there is no rush as your titanium-reinforced acrylic bridge can last between 2 and 5 years on average, or longer in some cases.

When it’s time to replace your bridge, you can choose from another titanium-reinforced acrylic bridge or a zirconia bridge, which may last between 10 to 15 years on average, or longer.

Dental implant surgery is normally carried out under local anaesthesia to numb the mouth, preventing any pain, however we also offer oral sedation and sleep dentistry (IV sedation) if you prefer to be sedated during surgery. Alternatively, you can undergo implant treatment under general anaesthesia at Southbank Day Surgery.

Dental implant costs can vary according to the number of teeth you’re replacing, if you require tooth extractions, sedation, bridge materials and other factors. Fixed implant bridge prices at Perth Dental Implant Centre start from $7800 for two dental implants, two abutments and a fixed bridge consisting of three teeth.

Fixed implant bridges are natural looking and are made using a combination of bridge materials. Perth Dental Implant Centres provides single tooth implants and small fixed implant bridges using the following tooth material options:

  • Full contour (monolithic) zirconia
  • Porcelain-layered zirconia

These tooth bridges attach to high-grade titanium dental implants.

Fixed implant bridges that replace all missing teeth are made of titanium-reinforced acrylic, zirconia or porcelain-layered zirconia. An acrylic bridge that’s been reinforced with titanium is also known as an immediate final bridge and is placed immediately after implant surgery. These acrylic bridges can last between 2 and 5 years before needing to be replaced.

Our process first involves a consultation with Dr Norcross, scans and clinical photographs of your mouth to plan implant treatment, followed by keyhole surgery where implants are placed into the bone. If bone grafting is needed to support your new bridge, it will be done during surgery. We place your titanium-reinforced acrylic bridge and then the dental implants are left to fuse to your jaw bone (through a process known as osseointegration) and heal over a period of three to six months.

If you have chosen to upgrade to a longer-lasting zirconia bridge after this time, we’ll fit your new bridge and make any adjustments as they are needed. We provide you with care instructions for your new teeth and arrange for a check-up and clean appointment after six months.

Smaller fixed bridges that replace fewer teeth generally follow the same process as single tooth implant treatment.

Most patients with healthy and sufficient jaw bone can be suitable candidates for a fixed implant bridge. However, if you don’t have enough healthy jaw bone to support dental implants, you could still be suitable for treatment. During your consultation, Dr Norcross will take a bone scan and discuss bone grafting to help build up enough bone to anchor dental implants in place. A bone graft can be done prior to or during dental implant surgery, depending on your individual needs.

Book an examination with Dr Norcross to discover whether you’re a candidate for fixed implant bridges, call 1300 108 133 to book at our Kelmscott or East Vic Park clinic or send us an enquiry.

Dental implants are the closest thing to natural teeth and can be considered for replacing one, several or all missing teeth. They’re often the preferred option for restoring missing teeth.

  • A fixed and long-term solution
  • Look and function just like natural teeth
  • Maintain your bite by stopping remaining teeth from moving
  • Allow you to chew food properly
  • help prevent hollowed cheeks and prematurely aged appearance
  • Stimulate the jaw bone and maintain bone structure
  • Provide superior stability, durability, function, comfort and aesthetics

Learn more about the consequences of tooth loss and the benefits of dental implants here.

It depends on the tooth materials you chose for your long-term bridge. Titanium-reinforced acrylic bridges may need replacing after 2 to 5 years on average. Zirconia is longer-lasting and may need replacing after 10 to 15 years, however both bridge material options have been known to last longer.

The dental implant procedure generally takes around one hour for a single tooth. If you choose to have your dental implant placed using guided keyhole surgery, the procedure may take as little as 20 to 30 minutes. Once an implant is placed, it takes 2 to 3 months to form a strong bond with the jaw bone, after which time your custom crown or bridge can be attached.

At Perth Dental Implant Centre, our dentist will gently and carefully insert a titanium screw into your jaw bone, known as an implant, replacing the gap where your tooth and root once stood. After your implant has effectively healed, an abutment and crown are attached, restoring your smile and missing tooth. This procedure is common for those with multiple, singular missing teeth.

If the missing teeth are adjacent, a single tooth implant may not be required. Instead, two implants may be used with a three or four tooth bridge, replacing multiple teeth in one procedure.

Dental implants are both mechanical and biological in nature and there are many factors that can affect how long they last, for example the different biting forces between patients and changes in jaw bone health.

Dental implants have been used for many years and have been studied extensively to show a success rate ranging between 95% and 98% over a 30 year period in healthy, non-smoking patients. However, for some patients, dental implants may need to be replaced sooner.

A thorough assessment with our dentist will determine your suitability for dental implants. Keeping regular check-ups and cleaning appointments as well as maintaining good oral hygiene can also affect how long dental implants can last.

When placed by an experienced dentist, a dental implant can last up to 20 years or sometimes longer with proper care. The crown, bridge or denture covering the implant may last for 5 to 15 years, depending on the tooth materials used and how well you maintain your oral health.

Teeth can be lost because of wider health issues or dental trauma, but in most cases, it is preventable when you’re aware of what harms them, like a poor diet, tooth decay, gum disease and bad oral habits:

  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet that’s low in sugar and starch
  • Follow a good oral hygiene routine that includes brushing twice daily, flossing between teeth and visiting the dentist regularly
  • Protect your mouth on sports field by wearing a custom mouthguard
  • Protect your teeth from grinding by wearing a night splint
  • Avoid using teeth for opening bottle caps or plastic packets

It’s recommended that you replace your missing tooth as soon as possible. A missing tooth can affect your speech, the way you chew and subsequently your diet and nutrition, it can cause teeth alignment issues, jaw bone loss and may even cause gums to recede.

Yes, but only so much as they restore your facial shape to appear natural again. Dental implants restore a sunken appearance by supporting the jaw bone and filling in the cheeks, lips and stopping the nose and chin from coming closer together.

The amount and quality of jaw bone into which we can place a dental implant differs depending on the location within the mouth.

For example, jaw bone at the front of the mouth is typically much thinner, which adds complexity to treatment in order to achieve a successful result. Aesthetics is particularly important when it comes to replacing teeth in the front of the mouth, because they’re more visible when you smile, this also factors into treatment complexity and cost.

Teeth at the back of the mouth are hidden and are typically supported by more bone, which can make treatment easier. Following a 3D bone scan we can fully assess your circumstances and come up with a unique treatment plan for the best results.

When a tooth is removed, the surrounding bone can shrink or erode. The degree of erosion varies depending on the area in the mouth. It’s different for each individual, depending on the anatomy of the tooth and the bone.

Following a full assessment and 3D bone scan, we can advise whether you have enough jaw bone to support dental implants. If there isn’t enough bone, we can create more with bone grafting. This procedure takes place during first stage dental implant surgery.

There are a variety of tooth materials that can be used to make a single tooth, known as a crown or row of teeth, known as a bridge. The tooth materials we use include:

  • Titanium-reinforced acrylic (Bridges only)
  • Zirconia
  • Porcelain layered zirconia

Tooth material is an important cost component when it comes to dental implants. A back tooth needs to be strong enough to withstand chewing cycles, while a front tooth will require a higher quality and aesthetically natural material.

There may be a period of time when we need to leave your dental implants to heal before we can design the final tooth or implant bridge. We’re able to provide you with a number of different temporary tooth options with different costs.

For a single dental implant, the treatment can take 3-9 months to complete and a number of appointments. We may also need to take x-rays of the implant and bone at different stages of the treatment. We do not charge for additional visits or x-rays required during your implant treatment.

Crowns, bridges, implant-retained dentures and fixed implant bridges are all meticulously designed and crafted by an experienced dental lab technician. We may use a specific dental lab depending on the treatment you’re receiving.

We work with the following dental labs: Oral Aesthetics; Digital Dental Creations; Patrick Barrett-Lennard from Dental Engineering and Osteon Medical.

The experience of the person designing your teeth is another cost variable. The more skilled and experienced they are, the higher the design quality, customisation and cost.

A dental implant is a tiny titanium post (a biocompatible material) that fuses to the jaw bone though a process called osseointegration. The integrated implant then acts as an anchor to which your dentist can attach an abutment and crown or several abutments connected to a fixed implant bridge to replace several missing teeth or all missing teeth. Dental implants can last a very long time with good oral hygiene.

Read about the consequences of tooth loss and the benefits of dental implants here.